Input Files

A zipped collection of software input files of the following exercises, on Lewis formula of reactants.

Alkene Addition (1)

A word file on the exercise.

Alkene hydroboration

A word file on the exercise.

alkene+carben reactions

A word file on the exercise.

Alkene Epoxidation

A word file on the exercise.

Baeyer-Villiger reaction

A word file on the exercise.

Cope rearrangement

A word file on the exercise.

Cram rule-1

A word file on the exercise.

cyclohexene addition

A word file on the exercise.

Diels-Alder reactions (1)

A word file on the exercise.

Diels-Alder Reactions (2)

A word file on the exercise.

Diels-Alder reactions (3)

A word file on the exercise.

E1cb reactions (1)

A word file on the exercise.

E1cb reactions (2)

A word file on the exercise.

E2 reactions

A word file on the exercise.

Hemiacetal reactions

A word file on the exercise.


A word file on the exercise.

Michael reactions

A word file on the exercise.

Neighboring effect

A word file on the exercise.

Neighboring effect - 1

A word file on the exercise.

Neighboring effect - 2

A word file on the exercise.

Nucleophilic addition

A word file on the exercise.

Nucleophilic addition - 2

A word file on the exercise.


A word file on the exercise.

SN2/E2 reactions

A word file on the exercise.

Wagner-Meerwein rearrangement

A word file on the exercise.

Input Files - 2

A zipped collection of software input files of other exercises, on Lewis formula of reactants.